1 min read

What's Happening?

What's Happening?

created using film forth and artlist.io

Up next is another supernatural-paranormal-horror-fiction story that I have newly edited and revised.

I hope you all enjoy the adventure as much as I did!

Here's what's to come.

open book on brown wooden table
Photo by Yannick Pulver / Unsplash

My niece, you are the only one that believes in magic as much as I do. I am leaving you with my book of shadows. Treat it kindly, it will listen, and help you. It's too bad the rest of the family doesn't feel the same as we do about magic. They don't believe much in the spirit world either... Wouldn't that be something if this book ended up in the spirit world? ~


"OUCH! My nose, God damn veins all out of place. Constant bleeding, CONSTANT!" Levi got up without finishing his thought. He waddled his ninety year old butt to his flowery bathroom, wadded up a piece of toilet paper, and stuffed it up his nostril.

Realization struck, and in a flurry of panic Levi shuffled his bunny-slipper-ed feet back to his study. He whispered to himself "please be there, please be there." He turned the corner and watched his book of shadows fade away. Levi was left alone with nothing but a soft candle light whipping against his pink silk pajamas. He stood for a moment and sighed "Bloody Hell..."

Thanks for reading! If you would like to see more please subscribe to my newsletter; A little less tame, a little more fierce.

Have an awesome day, and I'll see you all soon!
