23 min read


Photo by Muhammad Haikal Sjukri / Unsplash

A Purposeful, Bloody, Accident


As a shade in The Land Of The Dead, I'm constantly looking for color in my eternity. I'm kind of in limbo right now. It's called The In-between and that's been my fate for... Oh Grim. I don't know how long I've been here like this... Excuse me.

"Reaper! Grim! Mr. Reaper! I need a word with you sir!"

right human hand
Photo by Cherry Laithang / Unsplash

Chapter 1: Bloody Hell!

Levi, an older gentleman who is aware that his days are numbered, grabbed a special book from his desk drawer. This book was small, black, and had an embedded design of flowers and skulls in the corners. He opened the book to the second page, it read; My Manifestation Book. He sat for a moment to reminisce about the many things this book has done for him. He started stitching the front page and the title page together, each stitch representing something the book had given him. He thought of his big house, and the loan that was approved for him to buy it. despite his low credit score at the time. He thought about his three children, one son and two daughters. He thought about his siblings and his niece. He thought of invisible things such as health and safety for him and his family.

The ribbon Levi used was a deep red, symbolizing his blood. On each page of Levi's book was a stamp of blood that promoted the growth of his manifestations.

To Alice and family;

As our first child you were, and still are very special to your mother and I. Never forget your unique qualities. I am leaving you with my library, and all the contents within it. Let your boys run wild with their imaginations.

P.S. Please don't break anything. I will hear the crack from beyond the grave.

To Luther and family;

As my second child, I know you have had your struggles. You felt like there was a weight crushing you. I hope you know how proud you've made me in this life. Your children are lucky to have a Dad like you. I am leaving you with my hot tub, sauna, and private massage room. Never forget how brave you are.

P.S. Please tip the massage therapist, or I'll walk over your grave and give you chills.

To Cadence;

As my youngest daughter, I know how much it means to you to be recognized. I hope the acknowledgement of your mom and dad was enough during the tough times. I am leaving you with my house. I hope it will give you the space you and your family need to be yourselves. I hope you never forget your ambition.

P.S. Please keep things tidy. I will come back. I will haunt you guys.

To Willow;

Ah, my beautiful sister. When we meet again I hope your fighting spirit crosses over with you. Until then, I am leaving you with my paintings. You and I both know how much they can be worth. Please feel free to do what you will. I will be okay if you decide to sell them all.

P.S. I'm dead by this point, thus they might be worth more now.

To Ivory;

My other beautiful sister. It's been a long time since we've seen you. I hope all has been well. there isn't anything I can think of that you would want or need. Thus, I will leave you with positive thoughts from the beyond.

At the last page of the book, Levi wrote a special note for Willow's daughter, Kendra.

To Kendra;

My niece, you are the only one that believes in magic as much as I do. I am leaving you with my book of shadows. Treat it kindly, it will listen, and help you. It's too bad the rest of the family doesn't feel the same as we do about magic. They don't believe much in the spirit world either... Wouldn't that be something if this book ended up in the spirit world? ~


"OUCH! My nose, God damn veins all out of place. Constant bleeding, CONSTANT!" Levi got up without finishing his thought. He waddled his ninety year old butt to his flowery bathroom, wadded up a piece of toilet paper, and stuffed it up his nostril.

Realization struck, and in a flurry of panic Levi shuffled his bunny-slipper-ed feet back to his study. He whispered to himself "please be there, please be there." He turned the corner and watched his book of shadows fade away. Levi was left alone with nothing but a soft candle light whipping against his pink silk pajamas. He stood for a moment and sighed "Bloody Hell..."

person holding candlelabara statue
Photo by Alessia Cocconi / Unsplash

Chapter 2: Apparition Meet Corporeality

So, I've been here for about seventy years. AND apparently! I've been sentenced to 1000 years in The In-between. The only thing that can change that is if I do something redeemable. Which is IMPOSSIBLE when a shade is stuck here...

Anyway, I'm headed back to my corner of The In-between. Which of course isn't actually my corner, I just prefer this area. I mean who wouldn't? Even in black and white it's a beautiful space. There's a café with walls of different kinds of beautiful flowers. Oh! Also there is an overgrown graveyard. It's like a forest, but a small one. IN FACT! I think I'll go for a drift and visit some dead people's bodies that I don't know.

Basically, in one way or another everything here is a reflection of The Land Of The Living. Oh look there's Doug! "Hi Doug!" He's a regular in the graveyard waiting for his family to come visit him. There aren't that many shades here right now, it's not the weekend so they aren't expecting anyone.

The graveyard is a way that the living can visit their dead. However, I don't know how the dead visit their living. I am still knew-ish here, so I'm still learning the ropes... That I can't use... Ugh! Being dead is hard! I~


My eyes are popping right now! There is a book in the yard, and get this. It. Is. Glowing! In color! Oh-my-Grim, oh-my-Grim, oh-my-Grim. It's, it's... The color of blood? Now... What color was that again? Blue! No wait, that's not it. I must be thinking of a reference I can't remember. Hmm, I know it's the color of a marking pen... It's popular on Valentine's Day... It's the color of a cherry... Cherry-cherry-cherry-cherry-cherry-cherry. CHERRY RED! It's glowing red. Pfft I knew that, ha ha.

closeup photography of red cherry
Photo by Roksolana Zasiadko / Unsplash

Chapter 3: That Can't Be Important... Right?

Alright, I felt like I probably shouldn't be caught with a glowing book. I can't explain it, but I felt the need to keep it safe. Thus, I used piles of mulch to hide the book on top of my head. The glow kept seeping through though, so I used more and more until I looked like a pile of mulch myself... I mean, let's be honest, most things here look suspicious, the setting is black and white. It's like I'm in a movie! Anyway, my point is, I was being peeped by every shade on the block! And not just stared at. Eyes rolling to the backs of heads stared at. I mean, my eyes were probably doing the same thing, but that's besides the point. They were being creepy, not me!

I've made it back to my peaceful solitude, the café. Technically speaking shades cannot claim space in The In-between, however most of the shades on the street have left me to my own devices. Speaking of which! It's time to dissect the blood book! MWAHAHAHAHA!

"Hey newbie, what have you got there?"

"AH! Holy wisp!" I lost my hover footing and fell through the floor. I popped my eyes back up just over the hardwood, finding my friend Charles looking around. "Nothing! I am just researching... M-mulch."

"Sure, sure. I'll leave you to it then."

"Bye Charles!" Oh my Grim that was close! Now back to the matter at hand. This book is insane! I can feel so much energy flowing through it. Strangely, a familiar energy but I can't quite put my finger on it.

It feels like it's staring into my eyes and trying to take my soul. HA! Jokes on you book! I am already dead.

So far, I found that the two front pages have been stitched together. Also, there is a bodily fluid stamped on each page. That can't be important right? Right-right-right. Moving on, I found that the book's contents are mostly what look like wishes. I think that's the proper word for that. Anyway, I skimmed through those until I reached the blank pages. Looks like someone was writing a will to their family. Hmm, I wonder how old they are. It's probably irrelevant but I can't help my curiosity. I do won~

"You found a book from the land of the living!?"

"AHHAHA!" My disembodied form slammed through the wall behind me, knocking a mirror to its side. I'm sure in the land of the living it moved just slightly and everyone thought it was just the wind. "Charles! Stop doing that to me!"

"Ha, sorry... The glow gave it away though. It belongs to someone on the other side, of our other side." Charles informed me.

"Ow my brain. I get what you're saying though. How can I take it back?"

"Hmm, I know your new-ish, but have you ever heard of a vortex?" Charles asked.

"A vortex?"

"Yes it's how the dead visit the living." Charles continued.

"How the dead visit the living?"

"Yes in special, or corrupt circumstances."


"Yes! Oh my Grim, stop repeating everything I'm saying!"

I cringed. "Sorry."

time lapse photography of a person in a tunnel
Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos / Unsplash

Chapter 4: Welcome Citizens Of The Dead, To The Land Of The Living!

So, Charles is showing me where a vortex will pop up in a couple of hours. Time works a little differently here though. It's a bit complicated so I'll be brief. There's no morning or night, we can't really sleep, and things happen faster here. That's why I'm still considered a new shade, as opposed to Charles who has been here for 300 plus years already.

I know right! He's pretty nice for being that old!

Oh, while I've been waiting I actually found the name of the person this book belongs to. Serves me right for not reading the back side of the stitched pages. Behold, the name LEVI... Now I think that's pronounced Levy or Leevy... I'm going to go with Levy.

Charles told me to meet him at a bowling alley. Yeah, that doesn't sound eerie at all. Wish me luck!

Charles waved me over. "Hey! I'm glad you could make it, and early too. That was unexpected. Full of surprises aren't you!"

"Thaaaanks. So, you said this alley is abandoned both here and in The Land Of The Living?"

"Yes! Now, vortex's open in different places all over The In-between. They also open at different times. However, it's consecutive. This one will be here in five minutes, our time. Does that make sense?"

"Sure, I think I'm following along..." After a minute of silence I thought I would lighted the tension a bit. "PPTHTHPP... Whoa! pardon me. sorry about that I'm a bit nervous." I looked over at Charles who's entire face was absent from his head. "WOW! where did your face go Charles? Charles? CHARLES! Can you hear me!? Guess I'll leave you alone for a minute... You know I didn't actually fart right? We don't have... Have, you know. Whisp I can't remember. It doesn't matter! Whatever it was, we don't have it anymore. No? You still need a minute. Alright."

* * *

"Okay... That rumbling sound you hear is the start of the vortex. Once it opens you will have one second to jump into it. Wait for my signal, if you jump too early or too late you could hurt your soul."

"My, my welcome back- Wait... I thought we didn't have souls anymore?"

"How do you think we were here like this?" Charles stared at me.


Charles cut me off. "We don't have time for this! Pay attention!"

Yeesh. "Now?"

"Hold." Charles held his hand out.


"Now-Now-Now." Charles pointed two fingers as if he and I were in a battlefield and our only means of communication was sign language. I did a running jump into the vortex with my eyes closed hoping that I made it inside without a scratch. I opened my eyes and saw Charles in front of me. Honestly, I didn't think he would be participating... OH! Also he forgot to mention how long the transition to The Land Of The Living was going to take. He probably thought that if he had, I wouldn't have agreed to go. Thanks Charles. We also found out that we can't hear each other in the vortex. Which, I actually don't mind as much as Charles does.

Wait, it looks like he's trying to get my attention. He's mouthing something. I can't quite make it out. B- b- bow- ball- bowball? What's a bowball? Ohhh bowling ball... BOWLING BALL!"


"Reaping scythe! Charles, I thought you said this alley was abandoned!"


"It was!"


"Well, you were wrong Charles! Hey stop thro-"


A bowling ball went through my abdomen "Stop throwing bowling balls at us!"

"Hey! They can't see or hear you remember? So get out of their faces." Charles tried to usher me out of the path of killer boulders.

"Oh right..." if I could blush from embarrassment, I sure would have.

"There she is!"

"Uh, you didn't tell me you had that serious of a sentence ghost-y. Why do you have to be so shady?" Charles accused me.

"What? I don't have to tell you everything about my afterlife Charles. Just tell me who the new apparitions are."

Charles mimicked my objection in a crude, sassy way. "I don't have to tell you everything about this afterlife."

"okay... I deserved that. Sorry."

"They are the ~"


"That! The G.R.I.S which stands for; Grim Reaper In-between Security."

I smacked my head "Oh, heavens..."

"Nope, sorry friend, you're not quite there yet."

a bowling ball on a bowling alley
Photo by engin akyurt / Unsplash

Chapter 5: You Brought A Haunting To A Conjuring

Let me bring you back up to speed here, Charles and I found out that the G.R.I.S is after me. However, I could not justify them taking me back to The In-between. I still have the book and need to return it to Levy.

I know, I know. Why not just give the book to Charles, and he can take care of it? Well, we found out another interesting detail. Let me tell you about our ghost fight first though!

So, we were back in the bowling alley and in a panic, Charles and I flew through the electrical system. This caused the glow in the dark bowling to start. It was sudden. Yes, there was screaming. Yes, there was crying from little kids, and yes, there was even laughing! There was stress for Charles and I, and angry determination from the apparition officers. There was a lot going on.

One of the officers got a hold of my bag and yanked me backward. He made 'the scream face' in an attempt to freeze me against my will. Charles told me that after the fact. I closed my eyes and pushed my invisible body backwards. I then sling-shot-ed myself through all the score screens, each one I went through filled with tv static. So... that explains my buzz.

I then found Charles hiding behind the cash counter. I hopped over with him and set off the till. It made a cha-ching sound and the officers found us. Once they looked over, they both used a supernatural talent to lift all the bowling shoes. In an attempt to immobilize us, they then dropped them on mine and Charles' head.

Charles reassured me afterwards that they were only using haunting techniques on us. Thus, he and I would only be trapped if they scared us badly enough or IF their 'freeze faces' worked.

After the officers dropped the shoes on us, I somehow found a supernatural ability of my own. I conjured the bowling balls, pins, and shoes to life and sent them after the officers. The objects chased them around and into the pits where the pins are meant to fall. The possessed objects trapped them there.

Charles seized the opportunity and took off outside. He grabbed my arm and pulled me through the wall with him. At first I was annoyed by the grabbing and by Charles taking us into the middle of a busy street. However, the officers got free and they were flying after us. Charles told me to "wait for it." Then a vortex appeared and the G.R.I.S officers were back in The In-between. Don't tell him I said this but, thank you Charles.

Now, back to the new development with the book. It's still glowing red, but now there is a glowing red line. Leading from the book to a specific destination. The only thing is that Charles can't see it. He can see auras of the living people around us, but not where the book wants us to go.

"Alright ghost-y let's get going!"

"Okie dokie. We could take 6th Avenue, or we could go the 3rd street way... Hmm. What do you think Charles? Charles? Where did you go?"

"Look up!"

"Ohhh, yeah I guess we could just fly our way there."

I could feel Charles getting uncomfortable with our silence. I felt his words before he said them. "So, What are you stuck in The In-between for anyway?"

"Hmm, good question Charles. I vaguely remember blowing up a building while I was alive. The Grim Reaper remembers though. He told me that I have 1000 years to make up for it. He reminded me that I blew up an abandoned jail. As an ignorant citizen of the living, I didn't think it would hurt anything. Obviously, I was wrong. It's a bit embarrassing, but I ended up setting a few evil entities free... Okay... A lot of them."

"Oh, wow. That sucks! Death must be furious with you. Who knows, maybe getting this book back to who it belongs to will help your case."

" Yeah hop-" I stopped mid flight. "Oh no. It's a hospital Charles. The book led us to a hospital."

We found Levy, he is in room ten, hooked up to an IV and he had a nurse with him. He looks like he's one hundred years old! Anyway, the nurse doesn't think he's getting out of the hospital. She asked him about his next of kin, which was helpful for me and Charles. Also, his name Levy, is actually pronounced as Levi. You pronounce the I at the end. Neat.

Levi also mentioned that he lost a book. I'm assuming it's the one that I have. He said that it was supposed to go to someone special, there was no mention of anyone getting the book in his will though... Hmm what am I missing?

Charles let out a loud sigh." Well, I guess we should start our scavenger hunt then."

city buildings during night time
Photo by JC Gellidon / Unsplash

Chapter 6: A Living Soul Hunt

"Where do you think we should start Charles?"

"Beats me, you're the one who can see the line."

"Well yeah, but the line led us to a dead end. The book can't go back to Levi. We have to find his other family members."

Charles rubbed his chin. "Hmm, I could look for the people with similar auras, and go from there?"


Charles found five other auras that are similar to Levi's. So, we are going to go to point one and work our way across town. The first house looks like there is a female inside. She has- wow! Look at all the books in that house! This must be Alice. Why would she need a library? Oh well. Time to try giving her the book!

"Alice? Excuse me Alice?"

Charles huffed, smacking his head. "She can't hear you. I already told you that the living can't see or hear us. How can I make myself any clearer?"

" Ah ha, we're ghosts, I get it. How should we get the book to them then?"

"We need to try supernatural things. For example; we could shake some of her book cases then throw this book at her face?" I did a double take at Charles' suggestion.

"Well that's violent." I said. "It's worth a shot..."

Charles was wrong, that didn't work at all. The book just flew right through her and back outside. That felt rude of me too. I couldn't be an evil entity if I tried.

Charles ducked "Woah! Nice arm."


"Maybe we should just move on. She seems like the one for a book, but not this book. You know?" I felt sad saying it, but the book wasn't meant for Alice.

"Yeah, that's fair."

Charles and I have made it to the second house. It's another daughter I think. The book does say that he has a sister and a niece, I guess we'll figure it out. Oh, no yeah. It's his second daughter. How do I know? Well, Charles and I have kind of been lurking like, well, ghosts. We've been spying through the trees on her property. Finally her husband called her down-stairs for dinner. This is Cadence's house.

"Any high spirited ideas this time Charles?"

"I'm thinking. Give me a minute."

"Alright, maybe I can come up with something... Do you think possessing something might work?" I felt unsure of the solution I came up with.

"Do you know how to do that?" Charles asked.

"I sort of did it in the bowling alley but that was like a fight or flight thing. I'll just have to try doing it on purpose this time."

Charles gave me a worried look. "Okay... Just, start small and go for a coat."

I found the coat rack and my hands went through it twice. I focused harder on my goal. "Woah, woah." When I made contact with the coat my disembodied form shot through the roof and the coat I had thumped onto the floor.

"Take it easy! You're trying to go too fast. You know how sheet ghosts float? Go that speed." Charles shouted some guidance at me from a distance.

"Okay, I think I got it. I'll just make my way over to Cadence and drop the book with the coat and she is sure to find it!"

Cadence and her husband were seated at a large dining table, enjoying marinated steaks. They jumped when they heard a thud in the kitchen.

"Hello?" Cadence called towards their double stacked ovens. "Is anyone there?" She looked over at her husband. He nodded and went towards the sound.

"It was just your jacket falling." He said.

"That's odd, I could have sworn I hung it up at the front door." Cadence hesitated. She lifted up the jacket and took it back to the coat rack.

"OH COME ON!!! She didn't take the book. It must not be visible. It was right in front of her. Grim damnit!" I clenched the teeth I didn't have. Not really.

"Relax, it obviously isn't for her either. Let's go to the next house." Charles rested his ghostly hand on my shoulder.

Charles and I floated to the next house where we found a little old woman who looked to be in her eighties. This must be Levi's sister. Hopefully we will have more luck with her.


"Well, she is a lot older, I learned that babies and the elderly usually have an easier time sensing the dead. maybe she'll-" Charles flinched.

"Hello spirits. I know you're there. You can- Oh my heavens! Is that you!?"

Chapter 7: Sit...

"It's been a long time since we've heard from you. I'm sorry to find out that you passed away." Willow was talking openly, but I was unsure who she was talking to between those of us present.

"She must be talking about you, friend. All my family members are dead too, unless they're 300 years old." Charles smirked.

Willow looked bothered, she shouted "Ivory!" I flinched. "Where did you disappear so many years ago?" Willow was still shouting, as if I might not hear her at a lower volume.

"Umm, I don't know..."

"Maybe I should do a séance. That might help us communicate better."

"Woah, Ivory, we are going to find out how you died!" Charles said while we were watching Willow set everything up.

"How exciting!"

So, I found out that I'm Levi's and Willow's sister. That explains the familiar energy I felt with the skull book. Presently, I'm learning how I died. Maybe through this séance, Willow will be able to help Charles and I find who the book is supposed to go to! I should probably listen in now.

"Ivory, how long have you been dead?" Willow asked the room.

"Seventy years..." I responded, not seeming to have control over answering.

"Oh lord, so you passed away shortly after you went missing. I'm so sorry. You had such a short life... You know, we've all missed you. Everyday. You were so much fun. Life's been pretty hard without you around. We managed though, please don't feel bad! The family still loves you very much." Willow was starting to get choked up, so she redirected the seance back to the matter at hand. "Do you remember anything before you died?"

"Awe, you're so sweet Willow. Also, no."

"That's too bad. Maybe we can help you figure it out. Was there water or forest? Were there other people around you or animals?"

I squinted. "Now that you mention it I vaguely remember there being a forest."

"I can work with that. Do you recall what was in the forest?"

"There weren't any other people... I think there was snow though."

"Okay I only heard the word snow. Maybe an avalanche?" Willow asked.

I shook my head "No that wasn't it."

"No? Maybe you fell in a freezing lake?"

"No, I feel like it was more embarrassing than that actually..." If a shade could blush I would have.

"Oh! Embarrassing. Interesting lead. wait, I think I'm getting something from your memories. I see you walking up a mountain, there's a cave. You walked inside, you found a fire. You also found... Oh my God! There's a yeti! The yeti found you and, and... Oh, he's nice. He gave you a... Hug? Oh... He suffocated you." That was quite the journey that Willow took me on ha ha.

"Neat! I found a yeti!"

Hopefully I'll be able to ask about the book now, instead of her asking me so many questions. She seems like the kind of person who would use this.

"We have a book, it's got Levi's will inside of it. Do you know who this book is supposed to go to? It doesn't say anything on the matter."

"You have a book? It belongs to someone. You don't know who. If it's Levi's manifestation book, then I think he probably left it to Kendra, my daughter. Levi doesn't think I believe in magic or the spirit world. That was true for a while, but I do believe in those things now. Kendra always believed though. Did you check the back of the book? He also stitches the front pages together to try and keep titles secret, and he tends to mark pages with his blood." Willow explained our brother's interesting habits to me.

"Oh. That was important... My bad. Thank you Willow. We need to go now."

"It was nice of you to visit Ivory! Come back any time! Goodbye." Willow blew a kiss to me while Charles and I left out her living room window.

a bunch of stamps with pictures of people on them
Photo by T A T I A N A / Unsplash

Chapter 8: Ding Dong Special Delivery From The Beyond

"Ivory! Why didn't you let me look at the book? These two days could have taken us hours."

"Sorry Charles..."

"You are forgiven..." Charles gave me his strained side eye. "This time." We moved on in silence for a few blocks. "I feel like we should do something for your niece. Something bigger than just giving her this book. What do you think?" Charles asked.

"We could use the manifestation book to give it back and maybe give her..." I paused for a moment. "Oh! Oh! We could give her another manifestation book of her own that isn't half used!"

"That's good. Oh! Write that she is getting $20,000 too. That's a lot of money these days right?"

"Sure, why not. You're brilliant." I said. I've written down the things we want for Kendra before sending the book back to The Land Of The Living.

There is just one problem though... Charles or myself will have to use our soul essence to get it back. I don't want to put Charles through that... Basically, our soul essence is the dead's way of bleeding. We kind of disappear a small amount each time it's used. I'll probably only lose a finger or a hand in this case.

"Okay Charles, I'm going to send it back with my soul essence."

"What?" he looked at me with concern. "Ivory, that could be dangerous. And I mean, like, too dangerous."

I replied with a bit more attitude than I meant to. “I mean, like, too dAnGerOUS... Well, If you can think of a better way, I would love to hear it!" Charles bowed his head. "I have to do this Charles." I watched as he floated in a pace, not being able to look at me.

After what looked like a long internal battle, Charles met my eyes and said. "Alright." He paused. “But don’t come crying to me if it all goes wrong.”

Levi's book of shadows landed in front of Kendra with a thump.

"Ahh!" Kendra screamed then took a breath. "Oh, jeez that gave me a fright." Kendra then picked up the book and scanned the inside where her uncle's will was written, she found something directed to her and read aloud. "Dear Kendra, I don't know if you've met me, but I am your Aunty Ivory. I'm from the beyond. A yeti suffocated me. Don't worry it was an accident. Anyway, a close friend of mine and I decided that we are going to give you a second manifestation book of your own. He also thought it would be exciting to give you $20,000. I hope you put it all to good use! Love Aunty."

There was a knock at Kendra's front door. She put the book down and answered. There was a delivery man holding a package with her name on it. " Thank you..." She said slowly reaching for the package. It was her very own book of shadows with skulls and beautiful flowers in the corners. She thanked the mail man and then went back inside. Right before she sat down to finish reading the book, she got a phone call. Kendra moved over to her cell phone and picked up. "Hello?"

"Congratulations Kendra!!! You won our lottery of $20,000. Where would you like your money deposited?"

Everything was sudden and unexpected for Kendra. She started tearing up and mouthed the words 'thank you' to the book.

white textile on black wooden fence
Photo by Thalia Ruiz / Unsplash

Chapter 9: Judgment Day.... The Second One

Charles and I went home after Kendra got the things we manifested for her. Now I have to face judgment with The Grim Reaper... Again!


"Oh boy, he sounds mad..." My head was sneaking back into my shoulders.

"First, you leave the In-between after asking me why, and for how long you are here! Then, you assault my G.R.I.S apparition officers! Not to mention you haunted a bookshelf, threw a book at a living person's face, possessed a coat and answered a séance! And you did it all without a permit!" Death was exasperated.

I was confused for a moment... We have permits?? "I assume this means you'll be extending my sentence for another 1000 years? Mr. Reaper."

"I am very upset with you right now, but no. You used some of your soul essence, and just to get an object of the living back to whom it belongs. Then you gave them more than that, so they can continue a comfortable life. You lost your entire arm. For your sacrifice, I am going to decrease your sentence to 200 years. You know how time flies here, 200 years will only feel like one hundred. Now get back to your friend."

Woah, my sentence was decreased. I've learned so much from this two day adventure. It's a good thing I've kept this journal the whole time.

Wouldn't that be something? If this journal ended up in The Land Of The Living?

The End

restaurant with lighted string lights
Photo by Celine Ylmz / Unsplash

Authors note:

Hey there! I hope you enjoyed this supernatural-paranormal-horror-fiction-comedy. If you would like to see more of my writing please feel free to share this link and subscribe to my newsletter.

Thank you so much for reading and for your support. Have an awesome weekend everyone!

-Amber Fierce
