6 min read


Photo by serjan midili / Unsplash

There once was a creature created by the dark forests of the world. This creature was built with five stomachs that would glow like galaxies when it was well nourished. However, this creature's other four stomachs have lost their light. And so, it slides its body over the brisk surface of the Earth, traveling through dark-rotted tree roots, waiting for a fly to get caught in its web.

This creature was hungry.

Photo by Matt Artz / Unsplash

"Have a good night Greg. It does get easier. See you in the morning!" Greg's bus driver waved him off after another exhausting day of high school. He knew he was extremely different but didn't understand how. While Greg was trying to create a plan of action for tomorrow's school day, a root lifted from the ground tripping him. Greg caught himself before his head smashed into the pavement. "Whoa." He looked up and saw the entrance to the dark forest straight ahead. He was uncomfortable that his muscle memory took him in the general direction, but not the right way home. Greg heard a faint imprint of his mother's voice. "The dark forest is dangerous. You can tell it's the most dangerous when the birds won't sing." Grieg listened closely, unaware of his feet inching towards the fog covered foliage. It almost felt as if there was a different sound barrier to the forest as opposed to where Greg was standing; in the sun, while cars drove past him and crosswalks beeped in the distance. Greg took another step closer trying to hear anything that might sound normal.


"Hmm." As he turned away from the entrance a chain of roots unearthed themselves from under his toes, launching him backward into the mouth of the dark forest.

a black and white photo of a dark forest
Photo by Sven Brandsma / Unsplash

Greg sprung to his feet. "Hello? Who's there?" He shouted. The silence here was otherworldly and deafening. Greg squinted, trying to see something. He could feel mist coming off of his breath, and his body started to shiver. He rubbed his hands together and gently covered his now strained eyes. After a moment Greg adjusted to his new environment. He could see endless rows of trees that blocked out the light of the summer sun. He felt a physical sensation that he couldn't place because of the stimulating nature that smothered him. Greg glanced down at his feet, and gasped when he saw roots wrapped around them pulling him into the dirt. He tried taking a step forward, but the roots had crawled up his legs. He fell on his knees, and broke both of his tibias. Greg screamed, but the barriers of trees diminished the power of his voice.

photography of forest
Photo by Rosie Sun / Unsplash

The creature felt the human walking on its soil. It felt them squirming against the tree roots and the vibrations of their screams. A weak smile pulled at the creature then it began its journey from tree to tree. The highway of roots that linked together would lead it to the mammal. The human wouldn't hear it until the creature was just a hurtle away from them.

Greg heard a damp thud a few yards away from him. "Hello?" he sniffled. The thud was quiet. The best way that he could describe the sound was as if a butterfly's wing had tapped his eardrum. Greg's voice shook. "I-I know you're there. Who are you?"

The creature paused, and managing a low husky growl, it shared its name. "Roo- Roo- Roots. H-hu-hungry." Roots moved into the human's view, straightening its body.

Greg's jaw dropped, as his eyes widened in terror. He realized that he wasn't talking to a who, but a what. Standing before him was a fluidly moving tree trunk, with roots for extremities. On its monstrous body were dull, but electric blue-green veins that pulsed up its wooden skin. As Greg took in the creature's appearance, he was taken back by its face. Its nose was that of a mole, and its eyes were stitched shut. Greg couldn't imagine what caused that. He looked away, then noticed a dull violet glow coming from behind the creature. He took a short breath. "What are those?" Greg pointed, his finger shaking uncontrollably.


Greg watched Roots pull his stomachs out from behind him. Each was a glowing sphere stuck to Roots' body. One of the stomachs was a vibrant purple-blue star. The other four were dull, as if they were dying. Greg's body calmed, his face gentle, and eyes soft. He felt his mind being absorbed by each stomachs' abyss. They were so beautiful, like a mesmerizing glass art.

"H-h-hungry." Roots struggled to say. "S-s-soul."

Greg snapped out of his trance and instantly felt beads of sweat that had formed on his forehead and upper lip during his daydream. "What are you going to do to me?"

"E-e-eat, eat you."

Greg nodded his head and continued carefully. "Mhm, mhm. That's what I thought, but I meant..." He swallowed hard. "How?"

Roots lifted one of the orbs to the height of Greg's chest. Greg eyed the orb being pushed towards him and tried to resist, but the more he did, the more tree roots shot out from the earth to restrain him. Once there was physical contact, Greg's chest burned with the only light that would touch those woods. In a quick flash of pain Greg called out, "MOM!" Then his body and soul were consumed.

Wanda-Lee was pacing in her kitchen wearing a hole into the laminate flooring. She had wrung her hands together to the point that blisters were forming on her palms. Her eyes glanced nervously at the clock every few minutes. It was 4:30 pm and her son Greg had not walked through either door. Sometimes Greg would walk through the back door just to give her a fright. He had a fun sense of humor that way. Wanda started whispering to herself. "He's probably fine, he knows not to go to that forest right? I've warned him enough right?" Wanda-Lee continued to fret. "Maybe I should have prepared him more for what to expect? I should have told him why we live so close but... Of course he'd get curious." She paused for a moment and heard the faintest sound of her son's voice "Mom." Wanda's body quaked. She slowly turned towards the clock, and found that another half hour had passed. Wanda narrowed her eyes, took a breath, and gathered her gear.

"It's time to pay my creator a visit then..."

The end.

Authors note:

Hey there! I hope you enjoyed this supernatural-horror-fiction short story. If you would like to see more of my writing please feel free to share this link and subscribe to my newsletter.

Thank you so much for reading and for your support. Have an awesome weekend everyone!

-Amber Fierce
