Let Me Take Your Place: Jestool
June. 25. 2016.
"Why won't you just give up!? Why do you insist on saving her!?"
Whatchya Doin' Amber?
What a great question Amber. Here's what I've been working on. I am making featured story
I am sick
Good afternoon everyone! I hope you all have been having a great couple of weeks.
I wanted to apologize for
What's Happening?
There is a thriller coming up next! Stay tuned!
In the meantime check out this
A Purposeful, Bloody, Accident
As a shade in The Land Of The Dead, I'm constantly looking for
What's Happening?
Up next is another supernatural-paranormal-horror-fiction story that I have newly edited and revised.
I hope
There once was a creature created by the dark forests of the world. This creature was built with five stomachs
This Is It!
I would like to welcome everyone who took the time to check out my website. Thank you so much for
Coming soon
This is Amber Fierce, a brand new site that's just getting started. Things will be up and running